Prediction of deoxynivalenol contamination in wheat via infrared attenuated total reflection spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis

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Fomina, Polina
Femenias, Antoni
Tafintseva, Valeria
Freitag, Stephan
Sulyok, Michael
Aledda, Miriam
Kohler, Achim
Krska, Rudolf
Mizaikoff, Boris

Journal Title

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Publication Type

Wissenschaftlicher Artikel

Published in

ACS Food Science & Technology, 2024


The climate crisis further exacerbates the challenges for food production. For instance, the increasingly unpredictable growth of fungal species in the field can lead to an unprecedented high prevalence of several mycotoxins, including the most important toxic secondary metabolite produced by Fusarium spp., i.e., deoxynivalenol (DON). The presence of DON in crops may cause health problems in the population and livestock. Hence, there is a demand for advanced strategies facilitating the detection of DON contamination in cereal-based products. To address this need, we introduce infrared attenuated total reflection (IR-ATR) spectroscopy combined with advanced data modeling routines and optimized sample preparation protocols. In this study, we address the limited exploration of wheat commodities to date via IR-ATR spectroscopy. The focus of this study was optimizing the extraction protocol for wheat by testing various solvents aligned with a greener and more sustainable analytical approach. The employed chemometric method, i.e., sparse partial least-squares discriminant analysis, not only facilitated establishing robust classification models capable of discriminating between high vs low DON-contaminated samples adhering to the EU regulatory limit of 1250 μg/kg but also provided valuable insights into the relevant parameters shaping these models.



Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften


Institut für Analytische und Bioanalytische Chemie


DFG Project uulm

EU Project THU

Photonfood / Flexible mid-infrared photonic solutions for rapid farm-to-fork sensing of food contaminants / EC / H2020 / 101016444

Other projects THU


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DFG Project THU



Attenuated total reflection, ATR, Infraredspectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, FTIR, Deoxynivalenol, DON, Fungalinfection, Mycotoxins, Wheat, Sparse partialdiscriminant least-squares analysis, SPLS-DA, DDC 570 / Life sciences